The future of the European Union in the hands of Romania
The Presidency of the European Council is now in the hands of Romania. For the first time in the history, from January to June 2019, Romania will lead the semester of the European Council trying to limit the consequences of the Brexit process which is foreseen to be concluded in March 2019. The challenge will be even more complicated considering that yesterday the UK Parliament rejects the Brexit May’s agreement developed in the last months with the European Union. Viorica Dancila, the First Minister of Romania declared that the main goal of the Romanian Presidency will be to keep united the European Union. Indeed, Brexit without any agreement could strongly impact our life and economy. If this happens European citizens leaving in UK (and vice-versa), businesses and public authorities would have to act instantaneously to changes as result of leaving the European Union. Thus, the goal of Romania is very important and it will be focus on the results of the upcoming European Parliamentary election which for various experts will be characterized by a key political choice between Sovereignists and Europeanists. Shortly before the election, on the 9th of May – Europe Day – Romania will host also an important European Summit in Sibiu with all the European Leaders to discuss and define a new path for the European Union.
The main priorities of the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council are the following:
“Europe of convergence” – focused on cohesion policy and the competiveness European industrial policy. It aims to stimulate entrepreneurship, digitalization and innovation among European industries.
“A safer Europe” – focused on the new security challenges and supporting new bilateral cooperation initiatives with EU neighbouring countries.
“Europe, as a stronger global actor” – focused on the image and the global role of the EU
“Europe of common values” – focused on the main common values of the EU. It aims to promote and consolidate solidarity, freedom, democracy and respect of human dignity, inside and outside European borders.
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